"Since beginning this program with Cora I have found that my attitude towards food and weight loss has changed. I feel much more in control of what and when I eat. Being able to remove some trigger foods for myself has made a big difference. I no longer crave potatoes of any sort. Carbs have always been my downfall, whether it be potatoes, breads, sweets etc. Just removing the emotion connected with potatoes I also removed the craving for carbs." - Tammy S.


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Why You Are Overwhelmed and What To Do About It

October 10, 20236 min read

Seeing the signs of overwhelm in yourself is a start to overcoming it. Today we are going to look at tips to recognize overwhelm in your work or life and some actions steps you can take to overcome it.

Life in the modern world can be hectic and demanding so it's not uncommon to find yourself feeling overwhelmed at times. The pressures of work, personal responsibilities, or a combination of both can create overwhelm. When you are overwhelmed you may also feel some negative emotions like anxiety, irritability, anger or depression. Let’s look at some common reasons why you may be feeling overwhelmed and provide practical tips on how to cope with these feelings.

Are you working too hard?  With so much information coming at us from all directions and demands from work, family and other outside sources it is no wonder you’re feeling overwhelmed. Finding balance between all the things you need to get done and those that you want to do can definitely feel like more than you can handle and can lead to those feelings of stress and overwhelm.

Some ideas to help keep all of that under control is to really take a look at what is most important.  Prioritize what really needs to get done.  I know for myself I often expect to accomplish more on a day than may be possible and then get overwhelmed or feel disappointed that I didn’t get it done - however  at the end of the day a lot of the tasks were really nice to do’s and not necessarily something that couldn’t wait for another day - or event get delegated to someone else. Delegating to someone else if possible can help so much and setting realistic goals for what you want to get done in a certain timeframe can really help you to feel more in control of what’s happening.

We all have the same amount of time in a day and we can’t really manage our time only what we can do.  If possible block off some time for specific tasks and then do whatever you need to so you don’t get distracted.  This can be easier said than done - I know!  I am easily distracted - so a work in progress.  However when I do take the time to concentrate it’s amazing what can be accomplished in a set amount of time.  Try and make things more fun - if you can.  Set a timer and see how much you can get done in a certain amount of time. You may surprise yourself!

Emotional issues including things like anxiety, perfectionism or fear of failure can contribute to the overwhelm. Practicing mindfulness and seeking outside support like an energy healer or therapist can help to lighten and return some calmness in your life.

Let’s go over some practical tips you can use to relieve the overwhelm.

When you are overwhelmed - don’t try to think your way out of it. When you are overwhelmed your emotions are generally higher and your intelligence can be lower. Take a few minutes to reconnect to your body. Slow down and listen to your body. What sensations do you feel? heaviness in the stomach, tightness, achy? Are the sensations moving? Take some deep breaths into those areas of your body. Notice while you are breathing that some of those negative feelings may be lessening. Once your body calms down a bit you will be better able to cope with whatever is happening.

If you are trying to accomplish a big task - take some time to break it down into small tasks.  Write them down. I often think that I have way too many things to do and when I actually write them down they don’t look as overwhelming.  It really helps to see everything on the page and to stop the mind chatter that happens when you have to try to keep things organized inside your head. Once they are written down - concentrate on one step at a time.  Don’t get too far ahead of yourself.

Another amazing technique I’ve been experimenting with lately is “grounding”. I recently watched “The Earthing Movie” and it was quite fascinating.  Check it out on You Tube.  It is amazing what can happen when we spend time actually touching the earth. Having our bare feet on the grass or sand or your hands - which is why some people probably enjoy gardening.  Now it really makes sense why I enjoy walking barefoot on the beach when we travel. I’ve also been doing some “grounding” meditations when I am at my main home because I do not always have access to the grass.  Grounding helps you to feel so much calmer in your every day life.

Make an effort to have more fun!  What is fun to you?  Doing activities that are fun to you are a great way to relieve stress and that overwhelming feeling. Things like walking in nature, reading a book, spending time with friends or family or some other hobby may be just the thing you need to bring more lightness and calm back in to your life - even if for a short time.

Movement is also so important - as it is for just about anything.  Get up - move around - do a 1  minutes plank. If you don’t think a minute is long - I encourage you to do a plank and then let me know. That is usually the longest minute you’ll ever experience!  There are so many great quick things you can do to move your body and shake up your energy. Even 5 minutes of movement can make a massive difference in your frame of mind.

If you have a pet - spend some time with them.  Pets are amazing creatures. They love us like nobody else and are always there for us.  I know my dog always is.  You can literally leave the room for a minute and she’s just as excited to see me as if I was gone for hours!  

Write some a few things that you are grateful for.  Gratitude is an amazing thing.  No matter how bad or overwhelming your day is - there will always be something to be grateful for. Consider some of the small things that you take for granted each day - I know you can think of a lot of things!

Hire someone to help you release some of the emotion that is contributing to your overwhelm.  Whether your decide to hire someone that does energy releases or a therapist - the main thing is to know that there is help out there for you what can help you find more balance in your life.

Feeling overwhelmed is a common experience - especially these days - however it doesn't have to dominate your life. By understanding the reasons behind your overwhelm and implementing some of these practical coping strategies, you can regain control, reduce stress, and move towards a more balanced and fulfilling life. If you want more to chat about what support would be right for you please reach out and let’s have a chat.

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Cora Naylor

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