"Since beginning this program with Cora I have found that my attitude towards food and weight loss has changed. I feel much more in control of what and when I eat. Being able to remove some trigger foods for myself has made a big difference. I no longer crave potatoes of any sort. Carbs have always been my downfall, whether it be potatoes, breads, sweets etc. Just removing the emotion connected with potatoes I also removed the craving for carbs." - Tammy S.


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What is Self-Sabotage and How to Stop It

August 21, 20236 min read

Welcome back to another episode, I'm your host, Cora Naylor. In today's episode, we’ll dive in into the intriguing concept of self-sabotage. We'll explore the ins and outs of this phenomenon, uncover the reasons behind our self-sabotaging behaviors, and equip you with some strategies to prevent it so you can reach your full potential.

I got the idea for this episode after reading The Big Leap by Gay Hendrick - if you haven’t read it I highly recommend reading it. In the book the author talks about how we all have an “upper limit” - he calls it our “upper limit problem”  and how we often get to a certain point when striving for our goals and then we sabotage ourselves.  It doesn’t matter who you are either - we all have these limits in our minds - even the CEOs of top companies!

Can you relate to this?  Do you ever find yourself making incredible progress towards your goal, and all of a sudden you encounter setbacks that seem to come from nowhere? It may be something you do - like “forgetting” a deadline, not properly preparing for something, or procrastinating. I know I did something like this recently when I wanted to launch a new program - I just didn’t promote it - so that way I couldn’t really fail - because I didn’t really put in the effort. This type of pattern is what we refer to as self-sabotage. It's the inexplicable way we hinder our own success, often just as we're poised to make a breakthrough. But what exactly is self-sabotage, and why do we engage in this counterproductive behavior?

Self-sabotage is the subtle, often unconscious, act of undermining our own progress, success, and happiness. It's as if there's an invisible force within us that pushes back against our efforts to achieve our goals. This sabotage can manifest in various ways: procrastination, self-doubt, negative self-talk, fear of success, or even creating unnecessary conflicts in our lives. It's as if we're hitting a ceiling on our achievements and finding ways to pull ourselves back down.

So, why do we self-sabotage? What compels us to take actions that directly contradict our desires for success and happiness? The answer is not always easy to understand and is often rooted in a combination of psychological and emotional factors.

Here are a few possible explanations:

  1. Fear of the Unknown:  The fear of stepping into the unknown can trigger self-sabotage. Our comfort zones feel safe and familiar, and the idea of venturing beyond them can be daunting. As we approach the brink of a breakthrough, our subconscious mind can be overwhelmed by the uncertainty of what lies ahead, causing us to retreat to the familiar territory of our comfort zone.

  2. Limiting Beliefs:  Deep-seated beliefs about our self-worth and capabilities can be a breeding ground for self-sabotage. If we have beliefs such as "I'm not good enough" or "I don't deserve success," these convictions can unconsciously manifest as behaviors that hold back our progress. Our actions align with our beliefs which perpetuates this cycle of self-sabotage.

  3. Fear of Success: Yes, you read that right – fear of success. I think this happens a lot more than we know - especially for women. Success often brings about change, and with change comes a level of responsibility, visibility, and perhaps even envy from others. These factors can create a fear of being judged or having to live up to new expectations. Subconsciously, we might self-sabotage to avoid these potential consequences of success.

  4. Protection from Discomfort: Familiarity can be comforting, even if it means staying in a less-than-ideal situation. Self-sabotage can serve as a defense mechanism, preventing us from experiencing discomfort that might arise from new challenges or uncharted territories. By sabotaging our progress, we inadvertently shield ourselves from the discomfort of change.

As we look into the intricacies of self-sabotage, it's important to recognize that these behaviors aren't a reflection of our inadequacy or lack of determination. Rather, they're a manifestation of our inner self's intricate mechanism for self-preservation and maintaining a sense of equilibrium.

But here's the exciting part: self-sabotage is not a fixed state. We have the power to identify, address, and ultimately prevent it from hijacking our journey to success.

Let's look at some strategies that can help you create a smoother path toward your goals.

  1. Cultivate Self-Awareness: The journey begins with self-awareness. Pay attention to the moments when self-sabotaging behaviors emerge. Are you procrastinating when you should be taking action? Are you talking yourself out of opportunities? By shining a light on these patterns, you can begin to take away their power.

  2. Challenge Limiting Beliefs: Question the beliefs that are behind your self-sabotage. Engage in introspection to identify these beliefs and then challenge their validity. Replace them with empowering beliefs that align with your goals and aspirations. Remember, beliefs are not fixed; you have the power to reshape them.

  3. Embrace Discomfort: Understand that growth often comes with discomfort. Every time we grow in our business we are going to come up against more challenges and discomfort. Embrace it as a sign that you're pushing boundaries and evolving. Instead of retreating when things get uncomfortable, lean into the discomfort and go with the flow to allow change and progress.

  4. Set Realistic Goals: Sometimes, self-sabotage emerges from setting overly ambitious goals. Break your goals into smaller, manageable steps. This not only makes your objectives more achievable but also reduces the overwhelming pressure that might trigger self-sabotage.

Now, let's explore one of the potent methods that can aid in preventing self-sabotage - the Emotion Code.

As an Emotion Code Practitioner, I've witnessed the profound impact of releasing trapped emotions on clients' lives. Trapped emotions, often stemming from past experiences or traumas, can create energetic blocks that manifest as self-sabotaging patterns. By identifying and releasing these trapped emotions, you can clear the path for success, allowing you to rise beyond your self-imposed limitations.

Imagine discovering a trapped emotion rooted in a childhood event where you were made to believe you couldn't achieve your dreams. This unresolved emotion might have been holding you back, causing self-sabotage whenever you approached success. Releasing this emotion can be a game-changer, enabling you to rewrite your narrative and confidently embrace the success you deserve.

Now, how can the Emotion Code you in your journey of preventing self-sabotage?

  1. Identify Trapped Emotions: when you work with an Emotion Code Practitioner you can identify and release trapped emotions that may be behind your self-sabotaging behaviors. This process involves tapping into your subconscious to pinpoint specific emotions that have been hindering your progress.  

  2. Release and Transform: Utilizing energy healing techniques like the Emotion Code, you can release these trapped emotions and replace them with positive, empowering energies.

  3. Nurture Empowered Beliefs: With emotional barriers dismantled, it's easier to cultivate beliefs that support your goals and aspirations. Engage in daily affirmations, positive self-talk, and visualization exercises to reinforce your newfound sense of empowerment.

As we conclude this episode, remember that the key to conquering self-sabotage lies in understanding what the causes are and using strategies that empower you to get past the limits. Whether you're embracing self awareness, challenging limiting beliefs, leaning into discomfort, or using the Emotion Code, you have the tools to transform self-sabotage into stepping stones toward your dreams.

Connect with me on my website, www.coranaylor.com, to learn more about how the Emotion Code works or to book a 1:1 session. Remember, you are not alone on this path and it is never too late to get started!

self-sabotage strategiesovercomelimiting beliefsgrowthsuccessEmotion Codesubconsciousempowermentjourney
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Cora Naylor

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