"Since beginning this program with Cora I have found that my attitude towards food and weight loss has changed. I feel much more in control of what and when I eat. Being able to remove some trigger foods for myself has made a big difference. I no longer crave potatoes of any sort. Carbs have always been my downfall, whether it be potatoes, breads, sweets etc. Just removing the emotion connected with potatoes I also removed the craving for carbs." - Tammy S.


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10 Tips for Finding Inner Peace

October 03, 20237 min read

10 Tips for Finding Inner Peace

Do you take time for inner peace?  Today I want to take a closer look at inner peace. How does that sound to you? Do you feel good with your inner peace?

In today's fast-paced world, finding inner peace has become more important than ever. The constant demands of work, relationships, and the never-ending stream of information can leave us feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from ourselves. However, there is a path to inner peace – a state of mind that brings harmony, balance, and a sense of contentment. Today we’ll look at why it's essential, and practical tips you can use to embark on your journey toward a more peaceful and balanced life.

Understanding Inner Peace

Inner peace is a state of emotional and mental calmness, free from stress, anxiety, and negative emotions. It's about finding serenity within yourself as much as you can in and around all the things you have going on. Achieving inner peace is not about avoiding challenges or escaping from reality but learning to navigate life's ups and downs.

Why Is Inner Peace Important?

Stress Reduction: so many of us are under constant stress which can have detrimental effects on both our physical and mental health. Finding inner peace allows us to manage stress more effectively, reducing its negative impact on our well-being.

Emotional Stability: Inner peace helps us regulate our emotions. It allows us to respond to life's challenges with greater emotional intelligence, reducing the likelihood of reacting impulsively or out of anger.

Improved Relationships: When we are at peace with ourselves, our relationships with others tend to be better. We are able to empathize, communicate, and resolve conflicts constructively.

Enhanced Focus and Productivity: A calm mind is a focused mind. Inner peace can improve concentration, creativity, and overall productivity.

Better Physical Health: Research suggests that inner peace can lead to better physical health outcomes, including lower blood pressure, improved immune function, and a reduced risk of chronic illnesses.

Greater Life Satisfaction: Inner peace fosters a sense of contentment and satisfaction with life, regardless of external circumstances. It allows us to find joy and meaning in the present moment.

Here are 10 Practical Steps to Finding Inner Peace:

1. Self-Acceptance

The journey to inner peace often starts with self-acceptance. Take some time to accept your strengths and weaknesses, your successes and failures, without judgment. Understand that imperfections are a part of being human, and they do not define your worth. When you do make mistakes or experience failure - take time to see the learning there because we learn the most through our mistakes and failures. Practice self-compassion and treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to a dear friend.  We are often so critical and hard on ourselves. 

2. Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is a powerful tool for cultivating inner peace. It involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment. By practicing mindfulness regularly, you can train your mind to let go of worries about the past and future and focus on the here and now.  If you think you aren’t any good at meditating because you can’t sit still for long or your brain won’t turn off. That’s OK - there is more than one way to meditate.  Sit outside (or inside) and enjoy the view, close your eyes for 5 minutes and listen to some soothing music.  If you want to quiet your mind - think about breathing in and out - sometimes you just need to distract your mind from your thoughts by giving it something to think about - and that is meditation.

3. Deep Breathing Exercises

Deep breathing exercises can quickly calm your mind and reduce stress. When you find yourself feeling anxious or overwhelmed, take a few minutes to engage in deep breathing. Inhale deeply through your nose for a count of four, hold your breath for a count of four, and exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of four. Repeat this process several times until you feel more relaxed. This is a really good tip for any time your are feeling anxious.

4. Disconnect from Technology

We are constantly connected to digital devices and have a lot of information coming at us which can disrupt our inner peace. Set aside time each day to disconnect from technology and engage in activities that promote relaxation and presence. Whether it's a nature walk, reading a book, or enjoying a hobby, unplugging from screens can help you reconnect with yourself.

5. Declutter Your Physical Space

A cluttered environment can contribute to mental clutter. Take some time to declutter and organize your physical space. A clean and organized environment can create a sense of calm and order that extends to your inner world. However - don’t stress yourself out by thinking everything has to be perfect!  It is ok if it’s a work in progress. 

6. Practice Gratitude

Cultivating gratitude can shift your focus from what you lack to what you have. Each day, take a moment to reflect on the things you are grateful for. This practice can help you appreciate the present moment and foster a sense of contentment. You can write down or check off in your mind a list of 5-10 things each day.  They can be big or small things - there is always something you can be grateful for!

7. Be Present

You cannot change what hasn’t happened by worrying or agonizing about it.  All that does is make you feel bad.  Be present with your day.  Enjoy and savour each moment as it happens. Time goes by so quickly so you don’t want to miss what is happening now by worrying about what happened yesterday or what’s coming.  

8. Be of Service to Others

Continue to pursue your goals and live a good life that brings you joy.  One of the best ways to bring more joy into your life is to do something for others that they can’t do for themselves. Being kind to others will often take your mind of any of your troubles and fill you with satisfaction which will contribute to your inner peace.

9 . Physical Activity

Movement or physical activity is beneficial for your body and also for your mind. Exercise releases endorphins, which can improve your mood and reduce stress. Find a form of exercise that you enjoy, whether it's yoga, running, dancing, or simply taking long walks in nature. If you can’t get outside to walk - check out walking videos on You Tube - there are a ton of walking tours you can do for almost any destination in the world.  Another quick program I have been doing lately is the Zach Bush 4 minute workout - which revolves around the body’s ability to use Nitric Oxide for muscle growth.  It’s quick and easy and you can do it multiple times a day.

10. Energy Healing

Energy healing is an easy and effective way to maintain your sense of inner peace.  Using a method such as the Emotion  Code or Global Energy Method on yourself or with a practitioner on a regular basis can help you address the emotional energy that can be trapped in your body. The nice thing is if you are working with a practitioner -  we can do these sessions virtually.


Inner peace is not a destination but a continuous journey. It's a state of mind that requires nurturing and practice. By incorporating these practical tips into your life, you can begin to experience the benefits of inner peace – reduced stress, emotional stability, improved relationships, and greater life satisfaction. Remember that the path to inner peace is unique for each individual, so be patient with yourself and embrace the journey as it unfolds. As you cultivate inner peace, you'll find that it becomes a source of strength and resilience, allowing you to navigate life's challenges with grace and serenity.

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